Hogasan Cairan Anti Serangga 200 ml
Rp 79.800
Hogasan is a household insecticide to control insects such as ants, termites, fleas, cokroaches, flies, mosquitoes, etc.
This product utilizes time release technology to release the active substances constantly and very slowly for up to 6 months per applications
doe to the minimum amount of active substances and the naturally degredable residue, this product is friendly to the environtment and harmless to human and pets
Direstion for use:
apply to the surface of solid objects in frequently passed or used as nest by insects such as doors corner, edge of wall, table;s feet, mosquitos nets, planting twigs, trashcan surface, ceilings, pantry, birds cage etc
- Available: 20 in stock |
- Product Id: # 5669
20 in stock