Kiri Cream Cheese – Keju MPASI 108gr
Rp 38.000
Kiri is a processed cheese crafted specially for children by the BEL Group. As the world’s twelfth best-selling cheese brand, Kiri caters to consumers around the globe, particularly the Middle East, France & Japan. It was designed as part of a child’s balanced meals by providing essential vitamins and calcium. The shape and flavour of this creamy cheese is decided by the local tastes. It is mild, creamy, sweet and so fresh that children would like to consume it alone. However, the cheese tastes best on bread, in lunch bags and at breakfast time!
Bisa juga dijadikan sebagai variasi bahan MPASI pengganti garam agar si kecil lebih semangat makan. Keju mengandung kalsium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, dan lemak baik.
Made from cow’s milk
Country of origin: France, Japan and Middle East
Type: soft, processed
Texture: creamy
Rind: rindless
Colour: white
Flavour: creamy, mild, sweet
Aroma: fresh
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- Product Id: # 5526
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